Shark River

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Dindi is kidnapped to be the bride of a shark... To escape she must untangle a terrible curse caused by a love and magic gone wrong.


This stand-alone novella is set in Faearth, the world of The Unfinished Song. Available here ONLY.


The Unfinished Song - This Young Adult Epic Fantasy series has sold over  70,000 copies and has 1,072 Five Star Ratings on Goodreads.


Author Archives: Lara

April 28, 2016

Wizard’s Hall by Jane Yolen

Wizard's Hall 1999 cover

Wizard’s Hall 1999 cover

Lara here, and I’d like to share a book many of you have probably never heard of. A boy goes to wizard school where doors change based on the day of the week and portraits talk, he makes some friends, and attends magic classes. Then he finds out there’s an evil wizard threatening the school and everyone in it. But he and his friends are able to defeat the evil wizard and save the school.

Still never heard of it? Are you sure?

It’s a short book called Wizard’s Hall by Jane Yolen. It was first published in 1991 and is about a boy named Henry who lives with his hard working mother and one cow. When he mentions off-handly wanting to maybe be a wizard, his mother joyfully sends him off to Wizard’s Hall, the closest school for aspiring wizards and witches. Once there, a blind wizard and a fuzzy white rodent rename him Thornmallow, because he’s “prickly on the outside, squishy within.” Although that squishy part is taken on faith.

In the school itself, Thornmallow learns to fall asleep to a star filled ceiling that recites the names of glowing constellations, and to always walk left down hallways to get to class on time. His friends help him remember the various rules of Wizard’s Hall and how to change his soup from lizard to beef. (Not that this makes it taste any less brown.)

Unfortunately, Thornmallow is finding himself woefully bad at Spelling and Curses and Chanting, and his Transformations best go unmentioned. But just when he thinks it might be best to give up and go home, he overhears the teachers discussing the terrible Master, coming the very next night to destroy the school and swallow every last person inside his frightful quilted Beast. There is some hope though, because so long as the school has one hundred and thirteen students, they have some hope of defeating the Master, and Thornmallow is that essential one-thirteen.

Wizard’s Hall is a short, but highly imaginative story with colorful descriptions and interesting characters. The magic is fun, wizards make spells through careful word choice and clear tones, and their results can be anything from subtle light effects, to an avalanche of snow, to people unraveling into shining thread. Thornmallow is a quiet boy, shy if a bit sharp tongued, but he means well. He may not have much talent for magic, but he tries.

This may be an older book, but it’s still a good read, and I definitely recommend picking it up and giving it a go!

April 26, 2016

Guest Blogger

mah face

Hello all, I am Lara Ellwod, and I’ll be contributing to Tara Maya’s blog.

I’m a floating artist, seeking out pleasant blogs to spread my roots in and flower~ I’ll be making posts for all of you Tara Maya fans to enjoy, desperately waiting for her next book to come out! Yeah, I know I won’t be as good as that gold tinted, rainbow hued update post letting you know another Unfinished Song novel is out, but I’ll do my best! I’ll tell you about my favorite YA novels, all the best games, and the craziest anime—it’ll be fun, I promise.

Now, to tell you a little about myself– my favorite books are The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle and The Darkangel by Meredith Ann Pierce, I’m an artist and my favorite mediums are watercolor and inks. I watch lots of anime and play video games in my free time. I’m learning to build things out of cardboard and I collect every scrap of paper I come across. I look forward to blogging with Tara and getting to know her fans!