New Blog Header, Take Two

The other header, alas, really didn’t work, so I’ve set it aside and tried something simpler.

The previous entry was, of course, in honor of the spring tradition of poking fun at ourselves. Happy April Fool’s Day!

Writing News

I don’t have time for much blogging today, but here’s a few writing-related news tidbits.

Some of you already know that Romance writer Nora Roberts also writes as J.D. Robb. Well, apparently, she’s not the only famous writer who goes slumming under other pen names. Famed horror writer Stephen King just revealed that he is actually the author behind the pen name Stephanie Meyer. That’s right. The whole bro-ha-ha where Stephen King supposedly dissed the writing quality of Twilight was just an elaborate inside joke.

Boarders has been in trouble for quite some time, but the mega-book store chain has a new lease on life now that they’ve been acquired by Publish America.
Finally, J.K. Rowlings, who had earlier shocked fans by outting Dumbledore as gay, delivered another surprise today when she explained that after attending several reparative therapy sessions, the wizard had successfully reversed his homosexuality. She did not say whether magic was involved in the therapy, or whether the same spells would work on Muggles.

New Blog Header

As you can see, I’m trying out a new header. I’m not sure it fits well with the rest of the blog’s look, but I’ll let it ride for a few days and see if it grows on me. I might try something else. Who knows.

I’m going light on blogging right now because I’m knee deep in research for my Secret Novel.

Cover Art for Hound in Blood and Black

My friend the Screaming Guppy has written a totally badass zombie story. It’s got all the rampaging undead fun you would expect, plus a cool twist which sets it apart from what’s been done. I did two mock covers. One attempts to show a scene in an arena built over the ocean, where sharks swim, waiting to devour the losers. I didn’t really capture it, so I tried another cover, this time simply going for something creepy and zombiesque.