- by Tara Maya
Which SF&F Markets Publish the Most New Authors?
I’ve wondered it. You’ve wondered it. Or not. But now’s your chance to wonder in case you haven’t. Which SF&F markets publish the most new authors? (Hat tip to Cat Rambo, who also explains Why You’re Always Being Rejected by Fantasy Magazine.) Here’s her breakdown of the percent of fresh blood for each market:
F&SF: 3%
Analog: 5%
Asimov’s: 20%
Baen’s Universe: 21%
Intergalactic Medicine Show: 32%
Interzone: 40%
Realms of Fantasy: 51%
Clarkesworld: 61%
Strange Horizons: 68%
Weird Tales: 72%
Chizine: 78%
Fantasy Magazine: 88%
So if you’ve never published anything before and your query to F&SF keeps getting SASEd back to you, now you might have an inkling why.
* * *
Finally, I want to add a plug for SmokeLong Quarterly, even though it’s not sf&f, and even though I have no idea what percentage of new writers they publish, because (a) it’s the bees knees, and (b) fellow blogger Davin Malasarn helps edit it. Check out his blog for an interesting essay of the value of online publication.
If you know of any other publications deserving a plug, let me know and I’ll be glad to add them.