- by Tara Maya
Personality and Blogs
I took a personality test as part of a study which is going to compare people’s personality traits to the type of writing in their blogs. I would give you the link, but it’s based on random sample, so I can’t.
The good news is I’m supposedly less “neurotic” than 98% of the population. (Don’t believe that for a minute.) As those forced to live with me will attest, I’m actually quite neurotic; my insanity just bothers them a lot more than it bothers me, and in our crazy world, that somehow translates to sane. Go figure.
I’m agreeable and trusting. (Read: “Dupe.”)
I’m open to experience, with “a general tendency to appreciate emotion, adventure, and unusual ideas or experiences.” Apparently this means I am “intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty.” I should hope so, or boy am I in the wrong career.
However, I’m a hermit and lazy to boot. This last trait is the one which makes me wince. “Individuals low on conscientiousness tend to show less persistence and may have trouble seeing things through.” Ouch. It’s great to be sensitive to beauty and all, but without discipline, I know I can never succeed as a professional novelist.
The test is based on five different personality dimensions collectively known as the “Big Five”. I’ve taken many variations before — I’m sure some of you have too. It’s the same as the Meyers-Briggs, except M-B skips the “neurotic” component. So, no big surprises for me. Yeah, I already knew I was a guillable, flaky artsy-fart nerd, and happy about it. (I’m an INTP for you Meyers-Briggs affectionados.)
I love personality tests. Love to take ’em, and especially love to give them to my characters. It’s a great way to know my characters better. Admittedly, given my favored genres, some of my characters don’t always know how to answer the questions:
QUESTION: When the phone rings, do you rush to pick it up or wait to see if someone else answers it?
HARL THE PRINCE OF TORGLA: What is this ensorcelled object? It wails in pain — someone must be trapped inside! I will smash it open and free the trapped soul!
QUESTION: Do you prefer activities which are lively and fun or quiet and intellectual?
ZOMBIE: Argggg! Brains, eat brains….