- by Tara Maya
Druids – Book Trailer of the Day
This is really two book trailers. The first minute is a trailer for a docu-drama on the History Channel. Then, finally, once we are suitably educated in the history of the period, the trailer for the novel begins — and even then, tells more than is necessary.
Now, fortunately for Josh Langston and Barbara Galler-Smith, I LOVE history, so this approach hasn’t completely lost me. I love a well-researched historical novel.
However, this book, from small but prestigious Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, would benefit from a more dynamic trailer. *cough* music *cough* I read both nonfiction and fiction, but I do like to know which I am reading at the time. Anyway, the plot of this novel, once it appeared, sounded good, and of course I am always looking for useful tips on how to deal with the cultural rot which threatens from within.