Recommended for Writers: The Elements of Writing by Charles Euchner

Elements of Writing-coverCharles Euchner has several versions of his book out, but it’s worth overcoming any confusion this may cause to get your hands on a copy. When I bought the book it was called The Big Book of Writing, and in other editions it seems to have been called The Writing Code. Now, glancing at his page on Amazon, I see it’s called The Elements of Writing.

He’s now broken up the book into component parts to sell as separate ebooks, which means that if you only want to focus on one aspect of writing at a time, you can do so. For instance, you might check out his book/section on characters:


But, frankly, his entire series is so good, that I recommend you buy the whole kit’n’kaboodle, The Elements of Writing. Don’t skip his advice on sentences and paragraphs, even if you fancy you can already turn out a good phrase. It’s excellent advice to hone your prose.


From those bare bones, he truly does address nearly every aspect of writing, imparting juicy bits of wisdom at every stage.

Check out the The Elements of Writing.

Tara Maya

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