Monthly Archives: January 2012
Monthly Archives: January 2012
When I was a child in Sunday school at the Unitarian church, we used to sing a song:
Roots hold me close,
Wings set me free,
Spirit of Life,
Come to me, come to me.
That may have been where I unconsciously drew the idea for the themes in this second trilogy of The Unfinished Song: Root, Wing and Blood.
Here it is, the cover of The Unfinished Song: Wing (Book 5). Wing will be out in 4-6 weeks. The exact release date is Super Secret. I will offer it for $.99 on Super Secret Release Day and you have to sign up for on my mailing list to find out exactly when you can snap it up! Also, as with the release of Root, the first 100 new subscribers to my newsletter will receive Wing for free!
Please note! The free book will be an ebook. I need to know what format you prefer. Kindle and Nook are easiest for me, but I can also send you an ePub file or PDF. There’s a spot on the sign up for to indicate the format you require.
Eventually there will be print versions for all you luddites, er, I mean fine connoisseurs of ink and paper. To be honest, even though I do most of my reading on my Kindle these days, I do still like to buy paper versions of my favorite books. I pet them and croak, “My precious!” like Gollum.
With that in mind, I made sure the cover art included a back cover as well as a front cover. That will make it easier to bring out the paper edition. (It will still be a while, sorry. It just takes much longer to prepare the print edition so that it is beautifully done, and I don’t want anything shoddy. Also, Taboo, Sacrifice and Root will obviously be out before Wing.)
Here’s the back blurb:
Deadly EnemiesUmbral serves the Deathsworn. He exists for one purpose only: to hunt down the last girl with rainbow magic and kill her. Now he has Dindi at his mercy. But he discovers that the Raptor Riders of Orange Canyon have played with dark magic that threatens all Faearth, and he needs Dindi’s help to stop them.Dindi bargains for her life. She offers to help her captor rescue the White Lady from the Raptor Riders, who plan to use the faery as a pawn in a monstrous scheme. But Dindi will never forget that Umbral murdered someone she loved…and never forgive. She vows to escape him and bring him to justice.A darkness uncoils in Orange Canyon tribehold. If they can’t work together, it will consume everything.
One evening a grad student working on her Master’s degree was studying alone in the library, nodding off over an impenetrable tome of postmodernist literary theory, probably something by Butler, when he heard a tiny voice cry out. Startled, he jerked awake. A very soft, high-pitched voice wailed, “Help me! Help me!”
He searched the stacks with increasing alarm as the tiny plea grew more desperate, then sputtered into a scream of pain.
At last he saw it…a big, ugly rat, dragging a little pixie girl by the ankle. The rat was as fat as the hardcover edition of Of Grammatology by Derrida, and the fairy as slender as a No. #2 pencil. No matter how she fluttered her translucent wings, she could not yank her leg free.
The grad student, quick of wit, grabbed Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach off the shelf and knocked the Derrida rat smack between the eyes. The villainous varmint thus vanquished, the grad student lifted the fairy up and set her on the shelf between The Golden Bough
and The Annotated Hobbit
“Thank you, thank you!” she cried. She fluttered in the air and alighted upon The Judgment of Paris. “You have saved me and therefore I will grant you a most precious magick. I have the power to make you either the wisest man on earth, the sexiest man on earth or the richest man on earth.”
The grad student thought long and hard. He was pretty tempted to go for sexy. But he was, after all, an academic.
“Please make me the wisest man on Earth,” he asked the fairy.
She aimed her magic wand. Light burst everywhere and he had to close his eyes.
When he opened them, all which had been obscure to him before, he now saw clearly, without illusion and without bias.
“Damn,” he said. “So I should I have gone for the money.”
* * *
Oh, and keep yours eyes peeled, because very, very soon, I am going to do a Cover Reveal for The Unfinished Song: Wing (Book 5)! Yay! I think it’s really pretty. I hope you’ll agree!