Taboo Release Date: March 28

I have a date for the release of The Unfinished Song: Taboo!

It will be available for sale on Monday, March 28.

*Tara does her happy dance*

If you buy it on the release date, it will be only $.99. After that, it will return to its regular price of $4.95. (However, if you would like a free review copy, you can still email to receive one.) Meanwhile, The Unfinished Song: Initiate is still on sale for only $.99.

UPDATE: Good news, Nookers! Both books will be available for the Nook very soon.

A big thanks to my tech team for helping me with this even though it was three am in your time zone.  😀

Those of you who would like a print version of Taboo will have to wait a little longer, I fear. There will be a trade paperback edition, but not immediately. In the near term, we are going to concentrate on getting the ebook to all the available platforms, and for all ereaders.

There was an Author’s Note that was going to be included at the end of Taboo, but at the last minute, I feared I had brought up too many spoilers, so I decided to bump it to the Author’s Note at the end of Sacrifice (Book 3) instead.

I am preparing review copies for those who are interested, and also compiling a list of all those who asked me previously if Initiate was available for the Nook.

Can I just say that it’s amazing how exhausting a book launch can be, even when it’s a low key launch like this one? I can only imagine the stress and drama some of my more famous author friends must have gone through. At least I do not have to give a talk at a live book signing today!

Tara Maya

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Megan Duncan Reply

Awesome, I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for it.

A Backwards Story Reply

YAY! Hopefully on nook, too? Hopefully those negotiations are going well! *sends luck your way*

Heidi C. Vlach Reply

Congrats! Your rapid release schedule sounds so exciting.

siebendach Reply

Wow, I have to buy a copy soon.

Read my books; lose ten pounds! Reply

I well be buying it in two days…then buying the first one today!

Cherry Reply

Your books got great covers Tara! Congratulations on your new release!! 🙂

TheSFReader Reply

Yeahhhh !! Me want one ASAP !!!
Monday is NOT soon enough 🙂

Ban Reply

.99 is a great deal but I want a paperback in my hands!!!

Gina @ My Precious Reply

Yipee! Will this one be released on amazon as a kindle book? I wanna pick it up for the .99 price. I’ll be looking for it on Monday.

Rose Transpose Reply

Congratulations! Sounds like a winner.
– Nicholas

TheSFReader Reply

So, we’re Monday, and still no Taboo !
That “Time Zone” thing is SO inconvinient! 😉
Could anyone please ask the earth to speed up it’s spin so that I can buy the book before Tuesday ? 🙂

Michelle Davidson Argyle Reply

I already bought my copy! Squee!!! Yes, book launches are INSANE, even low-key ones. Congrats and good luck with sales! I will do a review when I finish this one. 🙂

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