Double Covers

For the first time, someone who bought Initiate sent it back for a refund. The buyer bought the UK cover version from the US store. I am wondering if the poor reader discovered they had already the book with a different cover? I wonder if there is any way I can prevent this in the future.

On the other hand, since US customers cannot buy books from the UK and vice versa, the only way I can allow the customer a choice of covers is to make both versions available in both stores. In general, I’d rather give people more choices than fewer. However, by having two different versions of the book available, I also risk splitting my sales rank, which on Amazon, is very important in generating more sales. I’m not sure it’s wise.

What do you think? Given that we are speaking of ebooks, is it important to have a choice of different covers?

Of course, I could be paranoid over nothing. It’s also possible the customer returned the book because they read the first chapter and realized, “My god! This is utter dreck!” 😉

Tara Maya

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Sandra Ulbrich Almazan Reply

As a reader, choice of cover isn’t important to me. Since I read most of my books on the Kindle these days, I don’t see the cover as I read the book. However, cover art does affect a book’s appeal, even when shopping for e-books. IMO, the cover on the left (with the girl and fairy figure) would catch my attention more than the abstract cover on the right.

Read my books; lose ten pounds! Reply

Covers are important to me, but not the ending factor.

I htink a lot of places have different covers…

I know Harry Potter did, and The new Lost Hero by Rick Roridan did…

Lets just say its like that…


Gina @ My Precious Reply

Covers are very important to for real books: ie: paperback, hardcover. E-books though, aren’t really any big deal. Its not like you get to look at the cover each time you read it or anything.

siebendach Reply

I don’t think I’d fret about just one return.

Megan Duncan Reply

Cover choice shouldn’t be an issue, but I suppose it is good to have only one cover for one book that way you don’t get any of your readers confused. Perhaps they bought one books while in the states and then went back to the UK or vice versa, who knows. I wouldn’t worry about it though, I think your covers are great! One return is not bad at all and nothing to worry yourself over.

Domey Malasarn Reply

I’d stick to one cover. I like the idea that I am getting what you want me to get rather than choosing my own adventure.

Ted Cross Reply

I wish they wouldn’t put different covers on books. I prefer that there is just one really great one.

A Backwards Story Reply

I like that you created a second cover with your UK audience in mind, but if you need the numbers/statistics, one edition is probably best. Personally, I love the US cover, but maybe that’s just because I’m American. For e-books, I think it doesn’t matter as much. Even though I’m a cover snob, I always remind myself that there are some books I love with horrible covers, so I try not to let it get to me 🙂

Michelle Davidson Argyle Reply

I’m with Domey – I’d rather not choose. I like getting what I get and being happy with it. I also think that splitting the sales rank is unwise, but that’s just me. I wish that sales ranks for ebooks and print books were combined. Oh well.

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