Updates for March

This is just a quick note to let people know what I’m up to.

I’ve finished the first round of revisions suggested by my content editor for The Unfinished Song: Taboo. Two beta readers are also going to get back to me after critiquing particular scenes I was nervous about. Depending on what they say, I make a few more changes. My content editor will read it, and there may be one more round of content revisions. Then the book is off to the copy editor for what will hopefully be the final revision. After that, the formatting and uploading will also take a few days each. I’m fortunate that both my editors are on board and willing to push this through quickly to meet the deadline, so I am confident we get the book out on time. I don’t have an exact date but it will be a March release.

The second thing I am working on is long overdue and that’s the Nook edition of Initiate. There’s been a technical hold-up, namely the color pictures are not showing up right. Since the Nook has color, I would like to include a color image of the cover of the book in the file. Misque Press now has a Tech Team on this. The good news is that Taboo should be released on both Kindle and Nook at the same time.

I apologize to all Nook readers for the delay. We also own a Nook and actually, I can’t wait to see what it looks like there.

In other news, I am trying to decide if I should put up another website for The Unfinished Song series. This site is my writerly blog, where I can talk about the writing and publishing process. 500 words features excerpts from my own and other books. But I think maybe I need a site that is just about Faearth — it will have a map, biographies of the characters, information about the different tribes and fae. It should be fun. I was going to do one on wix, but you know what? I might just use blogger. We’ll see. I won’t roll that out for another month, I suspect.

Grad school is still my biggest time-suck, although since I crunched my numbers for my research paper and the results — yay! — confirmed my hypothesis, I’m feeling a little more confident about my ability to at least turn in something. For a while there, I thought I would have to pick up an old computer from e-waste, smash it with a sledgehammer, take it to my prof and claim to have lost all my results due to a freak meteorological accident.

Tara Maya

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Gina @ My Precious Reply

Oh how very exciting, thanks so much for the update! I really like your idea for an Unfinished Song Website with maps of Faearth and other goodies. Great ideas. I’m anxiously awaiting the Taboo release.

Read my books; lose ten pounds! Reply

PS Im goign to be getting your book after im done with Torment. Im excitted. THe cover is rad.

Jai Joshi Reply

So exciting about the March release! I hope everything goes according to plan!


Tara Maya Reply

@ Gina. Thanks! I have a lot of the material for the website already, it’s just a matter of organizing it, or in some cases, converting it to digital form.

@ Read my books. That’s funny because Torment is on my TBR list. 🙂 And thanks for the compliment.

@ Jai. How is it that I’ve known you all this time and didn’t realize you’d published a book?! Am I completely daft? I’ve bought Follow the Cowherd Boy today and look forward to reading it.

A Backwards Story Reply

I think you’d definitely get a lot of new readers if you set up an individual website for everything. Then again, it is time consuming (or costly if you hire out). In the long run, it will be a great publicity builder, though!

Good luck!

And yay, color nook cover!!

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