Monthly Archives: January 2011
Monthly Archives: January 2011
I don’t do it consciously, but that doesn’t mean I don’t do it on purpose.
I always overbook myself with work.
When I have too little to do, actually do even less than little. When I have too much, even though I might come up short, at least I finish a few things. It’s frustrating, but maybe it’s meant to be. Without that slight buzz of worry at the back of your mind that you should be doing something, nothing would get done. In the long run, that wouldn’t be very satisfactory.
Of course, I know people can overdo this. Type A personalities who are innately worried and obsessed to begin with need to learn to relax.
I am by nature pretty relaxed. So I need to push myself if I am to do more with my life than sitting on a beach looking pretty. (Did I ever mention I worked as a mermaid once? That’s what it involved. Sitting on a beach looking pretty. Letting folks take their pictures with me and give me tips, which I spent at the used bookstore across the way. Oh, and flirting with hot guys. Good grief, why did I give up that job?!)
Anyhoo… I’m working on cover art today.
I also put The Unfinished Song: Initiate up for sale at $0.99! I don’t know how long I’ll leave it at that price, so if you’ve been meaning to buy it but haven’t gotten around to it, now would be a good time. 🙂
Oh, under the “dumb mistakes I made” category, I discovered that I entered the title on my kindle edition and print version of the book, so it’s not clear from a search that they are the same book. It’s obvious to a human, but not to Amazon’s computers, I mean. Grrrrrr. Frustrating. I haven’t figured out how to change it yet.
By the way, I’m going to start cutting back on the posts on this blog. I will only blog Mondays, and if I have a chance, maybe Fridays, just to share informal notes like this.
Also, when I get the chance, I’m going to prettify and update this blog and my cover-art blog. I really like how 500 Words looks and I may try to coordinate the three blogs better.
It’s a new year, and I’ve got so much planned!
First off…
My new blog is up, please check it out and consider Tweeting, Liking or Following it. If you’re already a published author, send me an 500 word excerpt and I’ll post it! If you a writer but not not published yet, send me a 500 word flash story and I’ll post it. If you’re an artist, send me some art, and I’ll post that. If you’re a musician… you guessed it, send me your song (preferred format is as part of a video) and I’ll post it. I want to support all my creative friends, because you guys rock, and you are what makes the internet worth netting into.
I’m so pleased without how many artists and writers have already responded. This blog is going to be fun!
I’ve also been invited to blog for the new Fantasy Fiction Forum, which will be aimed more at readers than writers. I encourage all of you fantasy and horror fans to join us over there. These are a smart group of writers. They must be, right, because they asked me to blog with them!
Book 2 of The Unfinished Song is due in February. Meanwhile, I’m working hard to see that Initiate, Book One of The Unfinished Song, is available in more formats. I’m especially eager to launch it on the Nook
. My husband has a color Nook
and he is convinced it will be the salvation of Barnes and Noble.
Another thing I need to do, although I’m kinda chicken, is send my book out to Blurbers and Reviewers. I’m not sure what the difference is, except that Blurbers are already famous and they only need to say one or two lines about the book, not write a whole review. (Though it’s not like I would object or anything.) They are the ones who provide quotes like, “This is the most fantastic book I’ve read while sitting on the porcelain throne!” — Author Famous that you later put on the front and back and inside cover of your book.
It’s even more intimidating to ask for than an ordinary Review (which, frankly, I find intimidating enough) because there’s such a big gulf in Importance between you, lowly newbie author, and Famous Author. Famous Author has lowly, noobs asking for blurbs all of the time, and it’s really a drag. Noob probably worships Famous Author, which potentially adds FFF (Freaky Fan Factor) to the mix. Multiple this by Fifty Fs if noob author is also self-published, and not quite sure how to explain/apologize/deny this to Famous Author.
That’s a lot of ways to F up.
So that’s on my list, but I haven’t yet worked up the nerves to steel myself against the rejection and humiliation sure to ensue. However, if I can overcome my own shyness, and find the proper etiquette, it would be great to have some blurbs from authors I love.
In addition to my writing, I have four book covers lined up to do. I’m excited about these, and have already started the initial stage, looking for images and thinking about design set-ups. I’ll knock the best of these up into mock covers and send them to my clients soon. One of these covers, of course is for Notes from Underground. Yay! I will tell you about the others when I am further along, and can post them to my Cover Art blog.