
Monthly Archives: December 2010

Twelve Days of Christmas Videos – Reindeer Behaving Badly

Sock puppets singing karaoke. So silly, but too cute.

I love this version of Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. I never realized Cousin Mel was so sexy, for one thing. It looks like she and grandpa were plotting, doesn’t it? But it’s all good, because Grandma turns up ok in the end, relieving my deep childhood trauma over her fate.

Just for the record, I do not endorse reindeer violence. Vixen, the first step is to admit you have a problem. Lay off the booze, buck. No wonder you stampeded grandma. You shouldn’t drink and fly.

Three Announcements

First, I have an announcement. The first book in my fantasy series, The Unfinished Song, will be out as an ebook in time for Christmas. The cover is a surprise which I will reveal sometime in the next few days. Look out for it!

Second, speaking of covers, now that the stories are in for the Notes from the Underground anthology at The Literary Lab, I expect to be working on that cover soon too.

Third, one of my stories is a finalist to appear in an another anthology. I’ll keep you updated as I hear more news on this.

Twelve Days of Christmas Videos – Welcoming Christmas

These are what I think of as welcoming Christmas songs. The first one, We Need a Little Christmas, was a favorite of my mom’s when I was growing up. It was the first song she would put on when we brought out the Christmas records each year. She would sing the line, “I’ve grown a little older and I need a little angel sitting on my shoulder,” and smile, and it was always a bit bittersweet. Silver Bells is another wonderful, “getting into the mood” song. Alan Jackson’s Let it be Christmas became a new favorite of mine the first time I heard it, which was last year.

Twelve Days of Christmas Videos – Winter Songs

I’m feeling festive, and wanted to offer some of my favorite Christmas songs over the next twelve days.

Normally, I would also offer up one or two token Hannukah songs, if nothing else, for the sake of my Jewish grandma, but you know what? Hannakah and I are not on speaking terms right now. That’s right, Stupid Lunar Calendar, I was still in school when you came and went, thanks for nothing.

Anyhoo…moving on to the Spirit of Christmas…ho, ho, ho…

What could be more Christmasy than the doomed adulterous love between Lancelot and Gwenivere? Besides, you know, pretty much anything? Consider it my hat tip to Winter’s Solstice. Which has not passed yet, I love you Solar Calender.

So here are two wintery, sad, romantic songs that I love, even if I’m not sure how they are really related to Christmas, Hannukah or anything else. And by two, I meant three. Clearly, at this hour of the morning, I cannot count. Enjoy!