- by Tara Maya
New Blog for the New Year!
I’m going to add a new blog to my repertoire. I will still keep this blog to discuss writerly things. The new blog will be aimed at sharing content. I’m going to offer the first book in my new series for free… 500 words a day, from now until June. (It’s 98 chapterlets and I will only post Mon-Fri.) I will also offer a pdf file of the whole book for free, if people prefer.
I have no idea if anyone will be intersted in reading the book that way, but I thought it would be a fun thing to try. We’ll see how it goes!
To add a little more spice, I’m also going to invite other novelists to advertise their books by posting 500 word long excerpts. And I’ve also opened it up to posting 500 word flash fiction from time to time.
Sensing the common theme here…? The blog will be called “500 Words.”
In other news, the trade paperback versions of both Conmergence and now The Unfinished Song: Initiate, are available!