Google Opens A Bookstore

Google’s Bookstore

Previously thought to be called “Google Editions”, the “Google eBookstore” is live and offering hundreds of thousands of titles for purchase. As opposed to other e-book providers, Google’s e-books are entirely cloud-based.

“Google eBooks stores your library in the digital cloud,” writes the company, “so you can read all of your favorite books using just about any device with an Internet connection.”

For those of you worried about reading your books on the go or up in the air, where there might be no Internet connection, Google says that “once you open your book using our mobile reader apps, your book will sync to your device and you can continue reading it online or offline.”

As for accessing these books, Google supports a number of devices, from Android and iOS smartphones to any e-book reader that supports the Adobe e-book platform to any device with a Javascript-enabled browser. Along with reading e-books, there is a Google Books app for both Android and iOS devices, which not only let you read the books, but make e-book purchases on the go.

Oh, and here’s Google’s own promotional video:

Here’s the site:

Tara Maya

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Jai Joshi Reply

This would normally be great news but Google’s been making me really nervous lately. They’re everywhere, in everything, like a giant virus that’s infiltrating every part of our lives. They’re too big to remain decent like they used to be.


Cherri Galbiati Reply

This is good news indeed. I’m thrilled they finally have it up and running!

Tara Maya Reply

I understand your point, Jai. But it probably can’t hurt to have more competition with Amazon and B&N. My tentative hope is that this is a good thing. I’m definitely curious to see how it works.

C. N. Nevets Reply

Well, as someone who has been holding out on eBooks, I must say that both the design concept and the specific promotional angle kinda work on me.

Donna Hole Reply

very interesting.


Michelle Davidson Argyle Reply

Oooh, I didn’t know about any of this!

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