
Daily Archives: November 5, 2010

Raising Rebellion The Rys Chronicles – Book Trailer of the Day

I haven’t done a book trailer in a while, so here you go! Yay!

Raising Rebellion The Rys Chronicles is an epic fantasy by Tracy Falbe, one book of a quartet. You can download the first book for free, which is a nice touch. It’s also available as a trade paperback.

This is a simple trailer. There is a solid soundtrack, a few strong images and logical, enticing content that gives enough information to provide some idea of the worldbuidling without overwhelming us with details. I like that the theme is a strong component of the hook. Can good overcome evil without becoming evil? It may be objected that this is not an original theme. I have yet to meet a good theme that was “original.” The best themes are not original; they are eternal.