Uploaded To Amazon

Well, I uploaded the book to Amazon. It could take “up to 48 hours” to show up in the store, so I don’t know if it will actually be available by Monday. That’s okay. I still have the POD to work on. I just wanted to see what it looks like “live” and make sure I could do the process.

I had a little trouble with my formatting. Some of the fancy internal links I had hoped to provide didn’t show up as links, so I had to remove them. The chapter headings are left-justified instead of centered, and some spacing isn’t showing up right. I don’t know why, but it’s 3:15 am as I write this, so I’ll worry about it later. I think the version that’s up is legible otherwise, with decent paragraph breaks and chapter headings in larger font.

Tara Maya

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Sandra Ulbrich Almazan Reply

Nothing so far, but I’ll try again tomorrow.

Derek J. Canyon Reply

Tara, when I put my ebook up on Amazon last month, it took a couple more days for the product description to show up on Amazon US. Amazon UK got stuff up quicker.

If you need help on the formatting stuff, let me know. I do mine by hand because I don’t trust the converter.

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