Upload Update

The book is showing in the store, but none of the product information is there. In case anyone wishes to buy the ebook, I advise waiting a few more days, if you don’t mind, because there are some changes I do intend to make. One of the things I intend to check is how easy it is to make those changes.

Sales do show up very fast, and I have to admit, that rocks.

Now I have to bust a gut and get the POD ready to go.

Oh, and I have one other version coming too…in order to have a 99 cents offering on the table, I’m going to take just one of the novelettes in the story and offer it alone. I need to write a new introduction and acknowledgements for it. I found a badass picture for the cover and the artist was kind enough to let me purchase the rights to it. This will allow me to compare the effect of cover art and price points on sales. Should be fun.

* * *


I feel a little silly for announcing it’s up but then warning people not to buy it yet. Um, sorry! Big Dork Tara. Well, don’t worry about it. There are a few spots where I saw an extra space between lines. I know I am obsessing. But if you find any typos, let me know.

The only possibly significant change is that I have an alternative ending to Tomorrow We Dance. The ending in the 1 edition is fine — I stand by it — but there’s another ending. This is the one I’m going to put out as a novelette for 99 cents. So if you are supercurious to know what the difference is….

For some reason my description still doesn’t show.

Tara Maya

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C. N. Nevets Reply

Any excuse to use SPSS…

Michelle Davidson Argyle Reply

Crap, I just bought my Kindle copy…

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan Reply

I just bought my Kindle copy too!

C. N. Nevets Reply

I know longer feel like a silly troglodyte for having already committed to wait for the print copy.

Michelle Davidson Argyle Reply

Oh I’m getting the print copy, too. 🙂

Derek J. Canyon Reply

Tara, updates show up within a couple days.
And, hey, put up a link to your book page! You’re making it too hard for lazy bums like me to buy it!

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