Daily Archives: October 11, 2010
Daily Archives: October 11, 2010
Other than improper use of grammar, mistakes regarding guns, and swearing, nothing seems to bother the legion of readers snapping up these Kindle books for $.99 with awful writing, poorly developed characters, and stories that just generally drip crap out of every electronic orifice.
And I’m not talking Dan Brown or James Patterson type bad. Those guys are All Stars compared to these amateurs. But it doesn’t seem to bother readers. Sure, they’ll comment on it in an Amazon review or whatever, but then mention that they still loved the story and will buy the next book by the author.
But my biggest insult comes from the fact that they don’t seem to distinguish AT ALL the difference between an author who has slaved and sacrificed and put in the hard work to make their book the best they can be then run the gauntlet of gatekeepers, rules, traditions, whims, luck, and corporate landmines that hold together the publishing industry or the author who gave up on the traditional route and slapped up a rough draft with some zippy copy and a garish self-designed cover with some blurbs from their mom and their old aunts writing group. It’s hard some days when the writing isn’t coming or the rejections are coming too fast and I want to give up. But I’ve known all along that I don’t just want to be published, I want to be published right. Call me elitist, call me traditional or stuffy or whatever, but that’s what I signed on for and that’s what I’m working toward.