The Brain Phone Is Ringing

Who could not want this?

Via Futurepundit: “In an interview with The Atlantic the CEO of Google reveals he does not want to implant a Google interface into people’s brains. Luddite.”

Two of the short stories in Conmergence feature a similar technology, a cybernetic “eye” immplanted in place of one biological eye. It’s not meant to be a prediction — although I think if some sort of internet lens could be designed, that would be big. C’mon, you know you’d want some.

Tara Maya

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Sandra Ulbrich Almazan Reply

I’ve thought about whether my SF characters would get some cybernetic implants, but I’ve decided most of them wouldn’t. It would be harder to upgrade, and I’m not sure yet how future health care would deal with the surgeries and upkeep. Some of my characters have personal reasons for not wanting implants, but maybe my MC’s best friend would want some.

Tara Maya Reply

@ Sandra. Is this true of the tech in general (not implant oriented) or the characters in particular? Do they live in a society where many people *do* get implants but opt out, or where only a few fringe individuals get that kind of thing?

Jai Joshi Reply

‘The Google’ is lying. Of course they want to implant their interface on our brains.


Tara Maya Reply

Well, of course, Jai. I mean really — go right up to the creepy line but not cross it? It’s a moving line. They want to step in as soon as it’s pushed forward a bit.

C. N. Nevets Reply

@Jai – No, no, you misunderstand. He doesn’t want to put it there, because it’s already there.

All that’s left is to release the activation key.

I believe that’s marked on the Mayan calendar.

Dominique Reply

Makes me think of the eyescreens in the Uglies trilogy. Creepy…

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