Daily Archives: October 5, 2010
Daily Archives: October 5, 2010
Who could not want this?
Via Futurepundit: “In an interview with The Atlantic the CEO of Google reveals he does not want to implant a Google interface into people’s brains. Luddite.”
Two of the short stories in Conmergence feature a similar technology, a cybernetic “eye” immplanted in place of one biological eye. It’s not meant to be a prediction — although I think if some sort of internet lens could be designed, that would be big. C’mon, you know you’d want some.
This book makes me wish I were taking an airplane flight somewhere. Because I love a good spy book to read on a plane.
Historic footage serves this trailer well. The placement and font of the writing is a little odd. But the soundtrack is wonderful.
This book is by Karen Brees from Chalet Press. I understand there will be two more books in the trilogy. Yay!