Monthly Archives: July 2010
Monthly Archives: July 2010
It’s understood that if characters travel about anywhere in a fantasy realm, they won’t be able to get more than five pages before they encounter some toothy beastie intent upon devouring them. This leads to the impression, sometimes never explained by the author (I’m looking at you, Edgar Rice Burroughs) of a landscape inhabited exclusively by vicious carnivores.
Um. Hello? Who are all the eight-legged lions eating when our hero and heroine aren’t traipsing by in chain-mail lingerie?
Violating the laws of ecology always bothers me in stories. Yes, it’s fantasy, you can make your own rules, but, for the love of crabgrass, at least take recommendations from ecology. It’s really fun to have monsters try to eat your characters, so we wouldn’t want to cut that part. (Chain-mail lingerie is another must-keep, I don’t care what the weather is.) We just need to include some herbivores for the carnivores to eat, and some herbs for the herbivores to eat.
With that in mind, I began ruminating on the dragons in my story. What do they eat? Lots of things, it turns out. Cows, horses, pigs, manatees, humans. Meat. But it would take a lot of such snacks to fill a dragon, and there are a lot of dragons in my story. (Not necessarily featured as characters, but milling about in the background, doing dragonish things — fighting, gambling, selling overpriced trinkets, charging too much interest on loans and eating anyone who doesn’t pay up.) I decided that they really needed some herbivores, and the herbivores ought to be even bigger (but much dumber) than the dragons.
Enter the leviathan!
Okay, so there are leviathans swimming around getting eaten by dragons. But what do leviathans eat? You might think, “krill” but you would be wrong, because krill are boring compared to….
…Green Ooze!
Yes, I could have just said “algae bloom” but that doesn’t sound like something from a fantasy novel, does it?
Here’s my helpful diagram:
The thing that looks like a purple gecko is supposed to be a majestic dragon. Work with me here. Anyway, the majestic dragon eats the leviathan. (The blue is supposed to be the ocean, not a flotation device.) The leviathan eats the Green Ooze.
Oh, but wait, Tara. You have an arrow from the Green Ooze pointing to the dragon. That’s right. Because, under certain circumstances — say, just when our hero and heroine sail by in a pirate ship — the Green Ooze gets all excited by the opportunity and changes, the way some molds do. It becomes Carnivorous Green Ooze! And tries to eat them!
(Cue music: It’s the Circle of Life.)
I find this kinda thing entirely too amusing. I know. Sad.
P.S. Check out Thuvia, Hot Babe of Mars. She will get her eight-legged lion to kick your ass and steal your toupee.
Ok, this is just weird.
This is what 300 million tweets look like when analyzed by mood and number of tweets.
Researchers at Harvard and Northeastern University analysed
300 million tweets sent between September 2006 and August
2009, then produced a ‘cartogram’, a map where areas
represent values (in this case the number of tweets) rather
than the land area.
Put the video on loop, stick it next to your lava lamp, and grok the freak, baby, grok the freak.
And don’t forget to tweet this.
BusinessWire reports that The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo is the first novel to sell a million Kindle ebooks.
Given the lovingly detailed descriptions of early-2000s computers and technology the late Stieg Larsson peppered into The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest, we’re pretty sure he’d love to know that he’s just become the first author to sell over a million Amazon Kindle e-books — and we can only imagine what kind of trouble Larsson’s Lisbeth Salander would have gotten into with a Droid X or an iPad. Considering the dominance of Amazon’s platform and company’s recent announcement that Kindle titles are now outselling hardcovers we’d guess that also makes him the first author to sell a million e-books period, which is fairly notable — and with the upcoming Hollywood adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, we’d guess these numbers aren’t going to slow down any time soon. Too bad we don’t know the breakdown of where these million books went — we’d love to know if Kindle devices are as popular as the Kindle apps on various other platforms.
I wonder what royalties Stieg Larsson gets on each ebook? I know most epublishers offer 30-50%, but I think it’s much less with Kindle ebooks. On the ebooks I’m familiar with, a million books would equal a million bucks. Or slightly more.
I haven’t been able to write it yet. I have a plot, characters, theme, setting, everything… but… nothing pulls the book together at the end. It doesn’t go anywhere.
That’s a separate problem from what I wish to discuss right now. (Maybe.)
The Secret Novel, as I conceive it, is meant to be literary. Or “general commercial.” Whatever. Not sf or fantasy, like everything else I write or have ever been inspired to write. And I wonder if that’s a good idea.
What if the reason the Secret Novel idea isn’t clicking is because I’m fooling myself and my real interests aren’t going to be engaged unless I throw in a werewolf or something. I have to wonder. Do I want to write this book set in the real, historical period because that is what is best for the book, or because I have deluded myself this will make it have wider appeal than a fantasy, and make my book a bestseller, Oprah bookclub book, Hollywood film?
And even suppose I could write it and it sold nicely, then what? Then I tell my fans, “Great, if you liked that sober, realistic book, just wait till you check out this next one where gladiators fight pirates!”
I’m not saying that writers have to always write in the same genre. My original plan was to just use a different pen name. But I’ve done that before (my two published romances are under a different pen name) and it’s exhausting trying to “social network” both names. I.e. I write this blog, but do squat all under my other pen name. Logically, I should try and write more category romances, because I know I could sell those, but I prefer fantasy.
So… hmm… should I make my Secret Novel a fantasy. Everything else would be the same. (Which would make it a pretty cool and unusual fantasy). But I just don’t know. Above all, I want to be true to the story. It just may be that I’m not the author who is able to write the book I originally envisioned, and I have to write the books I’m able to actually write.
Does that make sense? Does anyone else out there struggle with this kind of dilemma?
Here’s an excerpt just for fun. Both characters are devi, magical creatures who spend much of their time in human form. He is the Dragon Emperor, and she, a Sea Unicorn, is his prisoner. Her people are pacifists.
He offered her the goblet, but she shook her head. He shrugged, lounged in the chair and gulped deeply. “What do you do all day long in a city where no one ever fights? I can’t even imagine it.”
“We commune. Share ourselves. Don’t look at me like that. I don’t mean physically. I speak of emotional connections, intellectual connections. I myself was enrolled in my sixth decade of college.” She added proudly, “We have a number of universities.”
“What do you study with no history of war?”
“We learn how to build castles in the sand. To herd bubbles. To discern at once and discuss at length. To distinguish between melancholy and nostalgia, between reverence and envy. To see a world in a grain of sand.”
“I sympathize. My schooling was a complete waste as well.”
“I didn’t know dragons pursued higher education. What did you study?”
“How to drink, fornicate and devour the hearts of one’s enemies.”
She looked appalled.
“Business major,” he explained.