- by Tara Maya
Should I Stick With Genre Writing?
I haven’t been able to write it yet. I have a plot, characters, theme, setting, everything… but… nothing pulls the book together at the end. It doesn’t go anywhere.
That’s a separate problem from what I wish to discuss right now. (Maybe.)
The Secret Novel, as I conceive it, is meant to be literary. Or “general commercial.” Whatever. Not sf or fantasy, like everything else I write or have ever been inspired to write. And I wonder if that’s a good idea.
What if the reason the Secret Novel idea isn’t clicking is because I’m fooling myself and my real interests aren’t going to be engaged unless I throw in a werewolf or something. I have to wonder. Do I want to write this book set in the real, historical period because that is what is best for the book, or because I have deluded myself this will make it have wider appeal than a fantasy, and make my book a bestseller, Oprah bookclub book, Hollywood film?
And even suppose I could write it and it sold nicely, then what? Then I tell my fans, “Great, if you liked that sober, realistic book, just wait till you check out this next one where gladiators fight pirates!”
I’m not saying that writers have to always write in the same genre. My original plan was to just use a different pen name. But I’ve done that before (my two published romances are under a different pen name) and it’s exhausting trying to “social network” both names. I.e. I write this blog, but do squat all under my other pen name. Logically, I should try and write more category romances, because I know I could sell those, but I prefer fantasy.
So… hmm… should I make my Secret Novel a fantasy. Everything else would be the same. (Which would make it a pretty cool and unusual fantasy). But I just don’t know. Above all, I want to be true to the story. It just may be that I’m not the author who is able to write the book I originally envisioned, and I have to write the books I’m able to actually write.
Does that make sense? Does anyone else out there struggle with this kind of dilemma?