- by Tara Maya
Faearth Game
“A game must have a clearly defined goal. This goal must be expressed in terms of the effect that it will have on the player. It is not enough to declare that a game will be enjoyable, fun, exciting, or good; the goal must establish the fantasies that the game will support and the types of emotions it will engender in its audience. Since many games are in some way educational, the goal should in such cases establish what the player will learn. It is entirely appropriate for the game designer to ask how the game will edify its audience. …
Most game designers start off by selecting their topic, with their goals subordinated to their topic. Indeed, they commonly describe a game under development by its topic rather than its goal. When I tell other designers that I am working on a game about leadership, I am met with quizzical expressions. Is it a space game, or a wargame, or a dungeon game, they wonder; they seem satisfied when I tell them it’s a game about King Arthur. It is a serious mistake to subordinate the goal to the topic. Although your initial flash of inspiration may focus more on the topic than the goal, you must have the determination to take control of the design and impose your own goals onto the topic rather than allowing yourself to be swept away by the momentum of the topic.”
GOAL: To be able to see from others’ point of view and cooperate with them in creating ever larger groups of coordinated warrior dancers.
STRUCTURE: Player can only “see” what is in their power to see. Visions teach them things and allow them to learn dances.
[Fae – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, PurpleLow, High]
Human – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
Tavaedi, Zavaedi, Vaedi
Morvae, Imorvae