- by Tara Maya
Blending Facts Into Historical Fiction
Back at work on my Secret Novel, I’m working in a new genre — literary (in my case, perhaps merely psuedo-literary) and historical.
By historical, however, I actually mean “1978-1998” so I’m also facing a new quadary. When I am writing a story loosely based on real people, what restrictions apply? My account is fiction and names and particulars are different, but is there a point at which historical research veers off into obnoxious intrustion into privacy, or even purgery? Is it gauche to base a fictional account on someone’s real biography?
How overgrown with fictional elements should a portait be before it is wholly itself? And yet, if it is too changed, does it not betray the realism needed to tell the story?
[Art by Levi Van Veluw.]