Daily Archives: March 2, 2009
Daily Archives: March 2, 2009
In the discussion of literary vs genre fiction, two points were brought up regarding litarary fiction. One, is that it is especially important in literary writing to make every single word shine. Two, literary fiction should bring up existential questions.
Scott Bailey put it like this on Lady Glamis’ blog:
Literary fiction, as far as I’m willing to define it, is as much concerned with form as with anything else, and where the subject matter is the experience of life, and the purpose is to give the reader a chance to experience life in a broader way than before. Or, to quote C.S. Lewis, “passion is present for the sake of imagination, and therefore, in the long run, for the sake of wisdom or spiritual health–the rightness and richness of man’s total response to the world.”
I don’t consider myself a literary writer; I reserve the right to toss magic-wielding barbarian hunks and kung-fu ten-headed rakshasas at my heroes, as well as to marry them all off to live happily every after. However, there are aspects of literary writing I try to sneak into my books in between the gratiutious magic, sex and cannibalism.
Even a pulp fiction hack like me has to make every word count. Mary Lindsey addressed this in her blog. An early rejection told her, essentially:
Your story and characters are intriguing. I was disappointed that the writing didn’t live up to the premise.
Ouch. (Note, she doesn’t have this problem any more!) This is exactly what I fear agents are thinking about my work. (My other fear is that they might say, “The writing is lovely, but the story makes no frinky sense.” Or even worse, “The quality lacking in the writing of this manuscript perfectly captured the hackneyed plot.”)
Writing quality is even more crucial if one is trying to slide existential questions into a plot-driven story. I suppose the difference between what I write and a literary novel (as I understand it) is that I seek to conceal weighty questions of Life and Death beneath a frosting of mind candy. This is the purpose of having Death as a living, breathing (and, in my story, mortal) character. You can accept the story on two levels. If you want, you can read it as an exicting action scene, in which a hottie in black leather fights off a bear.
There is also another level to the story — nothing so crude as a straight allegory, but hopefully a fairy tale or mythic level, like the folk tales from around the world. That’s what I hoped to capture, it’s what my writing ability may or may not be able to express. The best fantasies all work on many levels: The Earthsea Trilogy, the Lord of the Rings, The Curse of Challion, Harry Potter and several other favorites.
There is also another level to the story — nothing so crude as a straight allegory, but hopefully a fairy tale or mythic level, like the folk tales from around the world. That’s what I hoped to capture, it’s what my writing ability may or may not be able to express. The best fantasies all work on this level: The Earthsea Trilogy, the Lord of the Rings, The Curse of Challion, Harry Potter and several other favorites.
Fairy Tales / Myths / Origin Legends are probably the oldest form of story telling. Most of them date from the days of purely oral culture, and so are simple in form, limited by what both speaker and hearer can remember without notes and convey in one sitting. Modern fairy tales don’t need to duplicate this simplistic structure, but if one is trying to capture
1.) Have I ruined the book trying to improve it?
2.) Is meeting Death incarnate and recieving a Magic McGruffin actually more cliche than what I had before?
3.) Are Books 1 & 2 the weakest in the series, and if so, why would anyone want to read the rest of the series? Is the tone consistant across the series?
4.) Am I handling the hero’s story all wrong? Is he drool-worthy?
5.) Should I keep in the explicit lovemaking scene or tame it down?
6) Does my plot make sense or is it completely nonsensical?
7) Is it okay that the book ends on a cliff-hanger — with the heroine’s magic unrevealed and the question of what to do with the Magic MacGruffin unresolved?