- by Tara Maya
Two Things I Love About This Cover
Oh my.
I’m jealous of this cover on so many levels.
The artist in me dreams of painting such loveliness; the writer in me longs for a book cover like this to grace my own stories. This is the kind of cover where I know I MUST buy the book, no matter WHAT the story is. *Moonstruck sigh.*
I haven’t read it yet, only drooled over it, but it looks as though Freda Warrington is fully capable of delivering a story to match the cover.
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When I started writing Dindi, oh, ages past, fae / fey / faeries were rather rare in epic fantasy. Now they are everywhere. Did faeries jump the shark while I dithered in revisions? How depressing….
Here’s the thing. My faeries aren’t really European faeries at all. They’re closer to kachinas or orishas. I made the decision not to call them kachinas, for a variety of reasons, but now I’m questioning my own decision.
If I, as a reader, have noticed a lot of fae, chances are agents and publishers have seen ten times the number. I asked an agent this directly at a conference, “Have fae been overdone?” She said no, not compared to, say, vampires and werewolves, and even for those, a market remains if your idea is fresh.
I still worry about it though, because…well, I guess because I am an writer. That’s how I torture myself.