More or Less Typical Day

5:30 Awakened by Baby. Feed him in bed.

6:00 Around the time that Baby goes back to sleep, Toddler crawls into our bed. “Wan bu-barry ba.” Wants Blueberry Bar, or, in other words, breakfast.

6:30 After breakfast, Toddler requests play time. We play with his Duplo firetruck set.

7:00 DH is up. He works in the office for a while, while I watch Bob the Builder with Toddler.

8:00 DH takes Toddler to school and goes to work. I paint for an hour. Yesterday, I had prepped the canvas with a green base, this morning, I outline the form with sepia.

9:00 I settle down at my desk. I read my email while feeding Baby again. After that, I start work. To get the most difficult task out of the way first, I write my query letter first, and post it to my writer’s group for feedback.

10:00 Breakfast. I’m out of chocolate donuts, so I eat a beef Cup of Noodle. I eat at my desk, still working. Now I futz around with my Outline for the rest of the Dindi Books.

13:00 Feed Baby again, read some entries on the OWW. Check email again. I get some feedback on my query, and make the changes.

14:00 Walk time! I pack Baby into the stroller and we head down to the supermarket where I buy more chocolate donuts. While I walk, I call my mom on the cell and tell her about the latest changes to my book outline.

15:00 Once home from the walk, I put Baby down for an afternoon nap. I paint another layer on my painting, this time the black and white layer.

16:00 I’m happily back at writing when DH comes home unexpectedly early from work. He distracts me.

17:00 Since DH is home already, I leave him to watch Baby and go with the single stroller to pick up Toddler.

17:30 Toddler wants “Mommy drive cars!” so DH takes over dinner and I go play some more with Toddler.

18:30 I feed Baby again. Dinner is ready.

19:00 After dinner, I sneak off to see if I can regain my lost hour of work while DH plays with Toddler, but DH is tired. He attempts to take a nap. I feed Baby while playing more cars with Toddler.

20:00 We watch Smallville. I feed Baby. Through-out, Toddler repeats, “I want drive cars!”

21:00 Normally, at this time, DH would give Toddler a bath, and I would dry him off and put him in his jammies. But DH is sick, so Toddler watches Maisy, while I write in my blog on my laptop, sitting next to him on the couch. I think DH is in the office — no, the bathroom. Still sick. When he comes out, he gives me some advice on how to fix the nostril on my painting.

21:30 DH says he’s well enough to supervise “Brush Teeth Time!” and read Toddler a bedtime story. I go to write some more.

Tara Maya

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