Monthly Archives: November 2006
Monthly Archives: November 2006
“Portrait of a Pretender,” the sequel to “Drawn to the Brink,” may soon be published as an Amazon Short!
I’ll have more news and an excerpt later…
“During the World Cup soccer tournament in Japan in 2002, the match between Ireland and Germany went into several minutes of extra ‘injury’ time. The score was 1-0 to Germany, and Ireland’s hopes of getting into the semifinals seemed to be finished. Then at the eleventh hour, Robbie Keane scored a goal. For every Irish fan who watched the match there could be no doubt: the striker had saved Ireland’s World Cup hopes. The previous hour and a half of skill and luck, good or bad, of a team of trained professionals seemed as nothing compared to the single final stroke. Did Keane really save the day? The question illustrates a curious feature of human thought. In a temporal sequence of events, people zoom in on the most recent one.”
–Ruth M.J. Byrne, The Rational Imagination: How People Create Alternatives to Reality p. 157.
As much as I would like to have every daily entry in my blog be an announcement of yet another publication, that ain’t gonna happen. But I don’t want this to be a boring blog, with no entries for months on end. That leaves padding the ole’ blog with some fluff.
(Ahem.) Did I say fluff? I meant insight, deep and profound insight into where I, as an author, find inspiration for my stories. I will put up bits of history, philosophy, science and so on that are quirky and throught-provoking. If it gives you an idea for a story, please feel welcome to explore it!
I’m dredging the lake of my subconscious for story ideas for NoNoMo (which I really shouldn’t even be doing). I may fish out one of the old ideas that have been swimming around in Lake Id.
November is National Novel Writing Month and I’ve been trying to decide if I should sign up. I have several novels that are in the revisions stage, a far less alluring state to be in than a shiny new novel. For me finishing a novel is much more difficult than writing 50,000 words of a new one.
I therefore intend to resist the pull of writing a new book. Oh no! I feel it pulling me in! Agh!
Temptation too strong…can’t resist…
Must write new book…
The sun supernovaed.
“Well,” said Dr. Trobinsky. “That didn’t work.”