
Daily Archives: November 5, 2006

Cognitive Science: The Last Chance

“During the World Cup soccer tournament in Japan in 2002, the match between Ireland and Germany went into several minutes of extra ‘injury’ time. The score was 1-0 to Germany, and Ireland’s hopes of getting into the semifinals seemed to be finished. Then at the eleventh hour, Robbie Keane scored a goal. For every Irish fan who watched the match there could be no doubt: the striker had saved Ireland’s World Cup hopes. The previous hour and a half of skill and luck, good or bad, of a team of trained professionals seemed as nothing compared to the single final stroke. Did Keane really save the day? The question illustrates a curious feature of human thought. In a temporal sequence of events, people zoom in on the most recent one.”

–Ruth M.J. Byrne, The Rational Imagination: How People Create Alternatives to Reality p. 157.

Padding the Ole’ Blog or “Where I Get My Ideas”

As much as I would like to have every daily entry in my blog be an announcement of yet another publication, that ain’t gonna happen. But I don’t want this to be a boring blog, with no entries for months on end. That leaves padding the ole’ blog with some fluff.

(Ahem.) Did I say fluff? I meant insight, deep and profound insight into where I, as an author, find inspiration for my stories. I will put up bits of history, philosophy, science and so on that are quirky and throught-provoking. If it gives you an idea for a story, please feel welcome to explore it!

Dredging Lake Id

I’m dredging the lake of my subconscious for story ideas for NoNoMo (which I really shouldn’t even be doing). I may fish out one of the old ideas that have been swimming around in Lake Id.